Contact Myron Ferguson
Phone: 518 882-2057
Ferguson Drywall Innovations Inc. had been in business for 30+ years doing drywall work, freelance witting, consulting, and within the last 3 years Home Performance Audits. Myron (President) is BPI certified as a Building Envelope Specialist and Building Analyst. For Myron becoming a Building Performance Contractor was a natural fit since much of the work necessary to tighten up a house involves working on the thermal boundary, which is where drywall is located. Ferguson Drywall believes in “Building Tight and Ventilating Right” and has introduced to the area “Airtight Drywall”
Owning, maintaining, and heating and cooling a home is expensive. We also live and breathe in it at least 12 hours a day. A house that “breathes” may not be a healthy home to live in and it can be a huge energy consumer. Having a Home Performance Audit will address issues involving heat and cooling loss as well as safety and health issues.
Basically a Home Performance Audit involves an inspection of your home which takes 2-4 hours depending on the size and situations. The owner must be present through the inspection so you have a better understanding of what is being done. After the inspection Ferguson Drywall will complete a report for you that will include improvement packages ( if applicable) to make your home more energy efficient and safe.
Ferguson Drywall Innovations is a participant in the NYSERDA’s free or reduced price comprehensive home assessment. For more info go to: Please note that Ferguson Drywall Innovations performs the audit as well as any improvement work.
Office: 518-882-2057
Cell: 518-248-4147
Email: [email protected]
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